
Monday, January 28, 2013

On the Road (again)

The Madrona Road is back on the design wall.  This time, in smaller bits:

Slow and steady, but it's progress...

My plan for these little snippets looks NOTHING like the current layout, which is a shame, because I'm kind of grooving on the whole "sunburst" vibe.  As it is, the geometry of arcs and radiating sectors escapes me at the moment, so I think I'd better stick to the original (and by that, I mean the third) plan.  :) Stitching will hopefully commence tomorrow -- it's getting too late tonight.  I'm hoping things will start to take shape here shortly.

In the meantime, I'm off to read a chapter before bed.   Although I love books, the older I get, the more I realize how limited my exposure to literature has been (as a chemistry major, I tested out of English altogether).  Every once in a while, I try to make up for lost time by picking up a book the literary world considers a "classic."  This week, it's Jack Kerouac's On the Road.  Guess I'm in the mood for a little adventure.

How I will likely spend the remainder of my evening... Instead of grading.  :)

What are you reading tonight?  Any favorite "classics" I should add to my list?


  1. oooo do you like that book? I thought it was amazing but I'm not sure I'll ever read it again. This summer I read "a tree grows in Brooklyn". I loved it!

  2. I don't read often enough and I do miss it. I have an entire bookcase filled with "Classic Literature" and really should crack open a book now and again. Lou Bee Book Club?

  3. Don't know, Laura. I'm only a few (short) chapters in. I'll let you know. "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" is on the list!

    And, Kristy: Lou Bee Book Club? I'd LOVE it, but everyone is already so busy as it is. Maybe an off-shoot? (And, I MAY be asking to borrow a book or two!)

  4. I am definitely not one to ask about classic literature, so no help here! I do love the added chemistry paper in your picture, yay Hexane!

    I can't wait to see what you come up with for the challenge, your layout reminds me of the Colorist... a project I have taken on for Fabric Nosherie and am starting soon now that my challenge quilt is done. Good luck with yours!

  5. Lynne, I love your Madrona Road design.

    I just finished a book today called Defending Jacob. Couldn't put it down! Nothing else got done today. I had to finish it, I was on a bus yesterday all day and I had read a lot of it. A real page turner.

    Suggestion for you quilters: I listen to books on tape while I sew! It's an awesome way to do two things at once. Most of the time I check both book and audio version out of the library so when I go to bed I can pick up where the book on tape left off. The library website also offers downloads to your computer and when your lending period is over they magicallly poof from your computer! It's awesome!
    Lynne, please send me an email, I need to talk to you!!

    1. I've never had a book on tape. May have to check that out for quilting marathons!

  6. Overachieving book reader checking in. *Blush* I read 600+ pages this weekend, and not classics. I've been on a western/suspense kick lately and have been inhaling C.J. Box books like air. For great strong women reads, check out anything by Sandra Dallas, a quilt lover like us.

    1. Thanks, Annie! Might have to check her out.

  7. I like the star burst. I can't wait to see what you are end up with. A lot of the classic classics are available free on ebooks. I get mine from Amazon and read them on my Android with the Kindle app. It leaves more room on the shelves for my stash!

  8. Sign me up for the LouBee Classics Book Club! BookNerd reporting for duty. My favorite is Out of Africa by Isak Dinesen. It is always at my bedside. Also, Captain's Verses by Pablo Neruda (amazing love poems), anything by Mary Oliver, Selected Stories by Andre Dubus, The Odyssey(verse, not prose), Letters of a Woman Homesteader by Elinore Pruitt Stewart, and don't forget to revisit your childhood favorites: Anne of Green Gables, The Secret Garden, Romeo and Juliette, Island of the Blue Dolphin......
