
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Some other things that happened in 2013.

Since my last blog post was some  ?  months ago, thought I'd try to summarize the rest of 2013 for you in pictures.  It was a pretty quiet year, so it shouldn't take long.

Made a few bags:

Watched lots of this:

Built a cell:

Stitched some charity blocks:

Lit some candles:

Joined the 21st century:

Designed my first quilt block:

Made a last-minute gift:

Or two:

Met Jacquie Gering (!):

Caped three superheroes:

Ate waaaay too much of this:

Lost a kindergartner.  Gained a teenager:


Sent a swap package to Australia in June:


Got it back in December:

Got a little CRAZY:

Got a little SPACEY:


Ate waaaaay too much of this:

Made it through the storm:

Designed my first fabric:

Traded my basement office...

For a bright new space:

Determined by double-blind taste test our family's favorite yogurt:

Sent some love to Boston:

Then sent a little more:

Watched an awful lot of this:

And did waaaay too much of this:

Orphaned lots of blocks...


In lieu of this...

And this...

And this...


Met our gorgeous niece:


Took back the Frisco Bell:

Made it 1-for-4 in the LouBee Swap (three IOUs to go):

Made a little pillow:

Then, made a couple more:

And then some generous friends joined in, so we made a couple more:

Before the kids woke up on Christmas morning, I spent a quiet hour in bed giving thanks for all our many blessings.   

May 2014 keep us safe and strong.

Peace, hope and happiness.  



  1. it's awesome lynne! what a great year.

  2. I definitely think that you LIVED alot in 2013. While you might not think that it showed up in your did actually make quite alot. And just like you traded this (craftiness) for that (family-time)...which is never a bad thing. I did alot of TV watching too...too much Sherlock, Doctor Who and The Paradise for me. I think I spent 1/2 of my vacation rewatching the same episodes, just so I could swoon/cry/laugh.

    Here's to a great 2014 my Friend!!!

    1. Can you ever have too much Sherlock? :) :) :)

      Thanks, Kristy. Looking forward to a good 2014 with you!

  3. Great post Lynne! Enjoyed reading it! You've been a busy girl!

    1. Thank you, Cindy. Hope your New Year is off to a good start!

  4. Sounds like a great year Lynne!

  5. Oh waou, nice to ear from you! Happy New Year to you and your family!

  6. Great post! Looks like you had a lovely year and made some really beautiful things! Love your scottie dog pillow! And... I LOVE your cell. I could really use that!
