
Sunday, December 11, 2011

"The Butler did it."

Welcome Sew Mama Sew readers!
PLEASE NOTE:  The GIVEAWAY SIGN-UP DEADLINE HAS PASSED.  Entries will be capped at 456.  Thank you all for playing!  Winner announced at this site soon!

What brings you here today?

Could it be that you're waiting to hear news about my latest projects?

Like this...


Or this (first zipper pouch ever)...

This... (Yes, that says 'beryllium')...










Or, this?


Well, then perhaps 'the Butler did it.'

Amy Butler, that is:

Your prize for visiting my blog during this week's Giveaway event is TEN 1/4-yard cuts PLUS TWO full-yard cuts of luscious Amy Butler fabrics to brighten your holiday season.  That's four-and-a-half yards, people!  Interested?  Just leave a comment below listing (a) YOUR favorite movie quote, and (b) your suggestions for one must-read book to add to my list, and you're eligible for the prize.  Winner (as chosen by random number generator) to be announced later this week.  International entries welcome.

In the meantime, for my 15 loyal listeners, sorry for the brief hiatus...  I hope to update you on all of the above (and then some) just as soon as I administer last rights final exams to my organic chemistry students this week. 

As for the rest of you, remember...  Movie quote, stellar book, name goes into the drawing.  

Easy-peasy, right?

Best of luck, everyone, and thanks for visiting!   



  1. Must-read book: The Help by Kathryn Stockett

    Favorite movie quote: "Give me an occupation, Miss Dashwood, or I shall run mad." -- Sense and Sensibility.

  2. OMG! I knew that you have been crazy busy Girl; but Geez! I'm sure your 15 Loyal followers will gladly wait for each and every wonderful post.

    Movie Quote: "There's somethings though that I know for sure: always throw spilled salt over your left shoulder, keep rosemary by your garden gate, lavender for luck and love whenever you can" -Practical Magic

    Book: Tess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy...although it's a classic, I've read it many times since highschool.

  3. "There's no place like home" from The Wizard of Oz. I just finished reading "Unbroken" - an amazing book! Great give away!

  4. Must read book: The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell
    Fav movie quote? That's tough, I don't watch many movies...let's about "frak" ....from BSG the mini series.

  5. Favorite movie quote of late: "You know what trouble I's talkin' 'bout. I's talking 'bout Mr. Ashley Wilkes. He'll be comin' to Atlanta when he gets his leave, and you sittin' there waitin' for him, just like a spider. He belongs to Miss Melanie..." Mammy - Gone With the Wind

    Must read book suggestion: The Hunger Games series.

  6. 16 loyal listeners now - I love your blog :) That's an incredible list of projects, and I really love the bag, particularly.

    I'd say a 'must read' book is Nightwatch by Terry Pratchett, and my favourite movie quote comes from Singin' in the Rain:

    "There has never been anything between us. Only air."

  7. Movie quote: "It's only a flesh wound!" from Monty Python and the Holy Grail

    Books recommendation: Divergent by Veronica Roth. Great YA read with compelling characters and situation.

  8. favorite movie quote: "There's no place like home." from the wizard of Oz,

    Favorite read: the millennium trilogy

  9. Movie quote: 'You had me at hello'
    book: A Calculated Risk - Katherine Neville

  10. Movie quote: "No more rhymes now, I mean it!" "Anybody want a peanut?" (The Princess Bride)

    Book: either of Khaled Hosseini's books.

  11. Quote: "So, good news: I saw a dog today. Have you seen a dog? You probably have." (~Elf)

    Book: Life as We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer. YA fiction- I couldn't put it down!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  12. "Best buck 80 I ever spent" from Young Guns II
    Book, The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks


  13. My favourite movie quote is: "Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurp. Did you hear that?" from the film Elf (childish I know, but it makes me laugh every year!).
    Best book: The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver.

    And I love the Beryllium bag - I did a PhD in organic chemistry many moons ago. :-)
    Thanks for holding such a great giveaway.
    Jen (jen.arnall-culliford AT

  14. About any phrase from the movie 'Stripes' and the best book ever is The Help.

  15. Wow, lots of lovely makes, and I particularly LOVE your blocks. My favourite movie quote is always Marlon Brando's contender speech in On the Waterfront... love it. But "I hid on the porch because I love you" from Up still makes me laugh! Book? I'm a big fan of Winnie the Pooh...

  16. Thank you for the chance to win :) Favourite movie quote... well, I think that will be 'Hasta la vista, baby' LOL. And the book. It depends what you like. if you like a little bit SF, I reccomend 'Only Forward' by Michael Marshall Smith. One of the best I've red.

  17. Movie quote: "I just like smiling, smiling is my favorite" from Elf

    Book: PS I Love You, sad but such a sweet story!

  18. "You had judgment on speed dial." Neal in White Collar... legendary!
    Book? easy The summerhouse or Matilda's last walzt! Epic!

  19. movie: The "Notebook" The movie is from 2004.

    Books: Stieg Larssons tree book about Lisbeth Salander. I think one of the books "Men who hates women" is at the movie right now...

  20. Book: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver

    Quote: This is Spinal Tap "These go to eleven"

  21. "Get in the back of the van!" from Withnail & I. I highly recommend "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly," an amazing true story of courage and spirit!

  22. Favorite quote: "As you wish" from the Princess Bride - who doesn't love hearing that? I haven't read in so long but the last novel I read before having my son was Water for Elephants, loved it and definitely qualifies for a must-read list.

  23. Movie Quote: "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never what you're going to get."

    Book: The Help

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  24. Favorite quote: "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship" (Casablanca)

    Must read: "The hare with the amber eyes"


  25. Wow, I've never been to your blog before but the projects look great! Favorite movie quote.. I don't watch a lot of movies so all I can think of it "To infinity and beyond" I've watched toy story a lot :) I read some weird books, but all of the books written by Tana French are good (there are 3) and Erin Hart's books are good. Another one called "The Monster of Florence" is good. I'm not sure on your taste though :) Thanks for a great giveaway!

  26. Favorite movie quote - "You have bewitched me body and soul"

    Favorite Book - Oh so many - I really loved the Fablehaven Series :)

  27. Oh my gosh - so many Elf quotes already (LOVE that movie this time of year). Will have to go with something else... So here's a classic:

    "I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career.
    I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed.
    You know, as a career, I don't want to do that." ~Lloyd Dobler, "Say Anything"

    Book - most recently, The Hunger Games trilogy.

    Great giveaway - thanks so much!!

  28. must read book - pillars of the earth
    quote - "there's no place like home" - wizard of oz

  29. I love Harry Potter so my quote is from the Chamber of Secrets:
    Ron: Why spiders? Why couldn't it be "follow the butterflies"?

    And I would suggest any of the "numbered" books from Janet Evanovich. I giggle so much when I read them, everyone thinks I am crazy!

  30. Quote: "As you wish"
    Book: Jennifer Weiner "Good in Bed"

  31. Fav movie quote " Tomorrow is another day" and a MUSt read book, Skinny Dip Carl Haaisen ( sure I spelled it wrong )

  32. Movie quote, from Grease: "Men are rats. Worse than that, they're fleas on rats. Amoebas on fleas on rats. They're too low for even the dogs to bite."
    Book: The Inn at Lake Devine by Elinor Lipman.

  33. Movie quote: "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." from the Godfather.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  34. In the last year, a must-read book I enjoyed was Eat, Pray, Love. People seem to have very strong feelings about it either way, but I really loved it!

    Thank you for the lovely giveaway!

  35. Favourite movie quotes:
    In the spirit of the season from 'Elf', "Smiling is my favourite." "Make work your new favourite, ok. Work is your new favourite"

    And from 'You've Got Mail',
    "Joe"? "Just call me Joe"? As if you were one of those stupid 22-year old girls with no last name? "Hi, I'm Kimberly!" "Hi, I'm Janice!" Don't they know you're supposed to have a last name? It's like they're an entire generation of cocktail waitresses.

    Favourite book of all time is Pride and Prejudice, but a better read in some ways in Persuasion, so I recommend Persuasion as my must-read.

  36. "I want my two dollars!" Better Off Dead

    My Antonia by Willa Cather

  37. wow - that first quilt is amazing - so is the rest but i keep coming back to that!
    Quote: Live fast, die young, leave a good looking corpse. ~ Knock On Any Door
    Book: the phantom tollbooth

  38. Book: Cath Kidston Sew!

    Quote: My name is Bill S. Preston, esquire!
    My name is Ted Theodor Logan.. And we're Wild Stalyns!

    Bill & Teds Excellent Adventure

  39. I haven't watched a movie in a long time so I don't remember cool quotes I could tell you.

    As for a book, I loved Diana Gabaldon's Outlander serie !

  40. I come from a family of movie quoters. Bazillions jump into my head when thinking of a favorite. I use "And that's all I need..." from The Jerk all the time.

    Book? The works of Shel Silverstein and Dr Suess still get to me even as an adult. :) The Giving Tree has to be an all time, forever favorite.

  41. First: You have the Best. Blog name. Ever.

    Okay, so movie quote would be: "Son, you got a panty on your head," from Raising Arizona

    And book. Hmmm. So many to choose from, but I am going to go with The Pale King, by Davd Foster Wallace. Challenging, but rewarding,

  42. Movie quote - anything from Princess Bride, as that's the only movie I can quote ;)

    Book - Robert Sawyer has some neat sciency stuff lately.

  43. My favorite movie quote is "I don't think that means what you think that means", from the Princess Bride, and you must read East of Eden. One of the greatest novels ever written.

  44. I loved The Hunger Games. I read them all in a couple days. I handed them off to my sister and she read them quickly too.

  45. A must read book (for me) is Buried Alive by Roy Hallums. It is intense!


  46. I love "Hullo, Lady." From the princess bride...I say it to my daughter....

    Books uhm, Georgette Heyer is an author who wrote in the middle of last century. She singlehandedly created the Regency Romance genere. Elegant witty dialog. Vivid characters. If you like Jane Austen, then read Heyer: try "The Grand Sophie"

  47. My favorite movie quote is probably 'Nobody puts Baby in a corner.' We all wanted to be Baby!

    I'd highly recommend the book Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer. (I'm very excited about the movie coming in December!)

  48. My favorite movie quote is "Sink me!" Scarlet Pimpernel.=) Thanks for a lovely giveaway...who doesn't like AB and have fun giving tests!

  49. Your must read book is 'The Help" and my favorite movie quote ever is from Stardust:

    "You know when I said I knew little about love? That wasn't true. I know a lot about love. I've seen it, seen centuries and centuries of it, and it was the only thing that made watching your world bearable. All those wars. Pain, lies, hate... Made me want to turn away and never look down again. But to see the way that mankind loves... I mean, you could search to the furthest reaches of the universe and never find anything more beautiful. So, yes, I know that love is unconditional. But I also know it can be unpredictable, unexpected, uncontrollable, unbearable and strangely easy to mistake for loathing, and... What I'm trying to say, Tristan, is... I think I love you. My heart... It feels like my chest can barely contain it. Like it doesn't belong to me any more. It belongs to you. And if you wanted it, I'd wish for nothing in exchange — no gifts, no goods, no demonstrations of devotion. Nothing but knowing you loved me, too. Just your heart, in exchange for mine."

    Thank you for the opportunity to win your giveaway! Happy Holidays to you and your family <3 xo

    krencamp (at) gmail (dot) com

  50. Let's start with B) One must read series for your list is Stephen King's Dark Tower series. Not really horror like you think of SK, but super awesome and supeir epic. Love it!

    As for A, I don't know! It changes by the day. Our favorite TV quote would be "Ninja, please" from a deleted scene in a Psych episode. Best show ever!

  51. My favorite movie quote (that my DH says to me more often than I'd like to admit) is: "Waiter, there is too much pepper on my paprikash. But I would be proud to partake of your pecan pie. Pecan pie. Pecan pie." from When Harry Met Sally. It is so silly but has been a lot of fun for us. Thanks for offering this giveaway!

  52. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn -- it's awesome!

  53. "Never mess with a Sicilian when death is on the line!" I must, as a result, also recommend the book version of Princess Bride.

  54. A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson.

  55. "Son, you've got a panty on your head.". Raising Arizona.

    I'm lucky if I get to read but if you like mysteries, I really enjoy the series by Nevada Barr - the main character is a law enforcement park ranger in the National Parks. Fun books!

    Thanks for the chance!

  56. Beautiful makes - love that zipper pouch!
    Favourite movie quote is "I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her." from Notting Hill
    Book - Must read Cross Stitch (outlander in US) by Diana Gabaldon
    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  57. I haven't read a lot of books recently, I enjoyed the Hunger Games and I would like to read The Help. I am horrible about remembering movie quotes, the only thing that comes to mind is "You'll shoot your eye out"

  58. Favorite movie quote: "I'm cold, I'm wet, and I'm just plain scared!"

    Favorite books right now: The Hunger Games

    Thanks for the giveaway! robyn(dot)geddes(at)gmail(dot)com

  59. my favorite quote would be anythign from pricess Bride which is so funny because many others have said teh same thing! as far as books, i really like the childrens book a house for mouse.

  60. Nobody puts Baby in the corner...I loved Water for Elephants. Thanks for the chance!

  61. Ha! I like the organic chem humor...shame on you!! hee-hee. Favorite fiction book - 1,000 White Women and movie quote? it too trite to say, "Life is like a box of chocolates?" FUN! THANKS!

  62. Movie Quote: "Did you die?" "Sadly, yes. But I LIVED!" From Ice Age 3.

    Book: Star Girl by Jerry Spinelli

  63. I can't remember movie quotes to save y life so I'll go with B) and you must ready CS lewis's space trilogy

  64. the dude abides. time traveler's wife was good. I am stuck in the Outlander series. Those books are so big i have to recheck them from the library over and over.

  65. I'm horrible at movie quotes. I honestly can't even come up with one. If your into spiritual beliefs at all, The Gift by Hafiz, a book of Sufi poetry, is lovely.

  66. Fav quote: After all, tomorrow is another day!
    Book: Game of Thrones by George RR Martin.

  67. "Sleep well and dream of large women" - Princess Bride. That movie is full of good quotes!
    Book - Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. I've even reread it a few times.

  68. A movie quote, There is no place like home, from the Wizard of Oz.
    I haven't read any books lately. Mostly been reading gardening manuals.
    Merry Christmas.

  69. Favorite movie quote "I love magic" (Harry Potter in the Goblet of Fire). Must read book - The Help - loved it!

  70. I recommend "Ordinary Wolves" by Seth Kantner & no one can beat the Rhett Butler one-liner to Scarlett O'Hara in "Gone with the Wind." "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a $%^%#!"

  71. Movie - you wait 20 years for a Dad then three come along at once! (Mama Mia)
    Fave book - The Timetravellers Wife

  72. I recommend The Thirteenth Tale - I really enjoyed it.

    Favorite movie quote... I don't quote movies much. How about a favorite song from a movie, because I really do enjoy good musicals! So, my favorite song from a movie is the Waltz for Eva and Che from Evita.

  73. "Do, or do not, there is no try." 'Cause Yoda's THE MAN!

    Must-read book, I'm sure you've already read, is Little Women. I <3 that book.

  74. My favorite movie quote is, "And Monday morning it is!" - American President with Michael Douglas. My must read book is "The Help" - the movie was good too! I'd love to win the "Butler did it" giveaway!

  75. Favorite quote: "The monkey's his uncle?"
    Book: Secret Life of Bees.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  76. Hoban 'Wash' Washburn: This landing is gonna get pretty interesting.
    Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: Define "interesting".
    Hoban 'Wash' Washburn: [deadpan] Oh God, oh God, we're all going to die?
    from Serenity.
    I mostly get stuck reading school books that are all about death, murder and destruction but if you haven't read Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones series you should give them a try.

  77. Not much of a reader though I was told The Help and Mao's last Dancer are good as books. I've seen both but not read the books.

    Movie quote, possibly Forrest Gump's Life is like a box of chocolates, you never what you're going to get.

  78. Don't ask me why but I've spent the last twenty something years saying "take cover, Arizona" every time something is about to go pear shaped. It's from Heathers with Christian Slater and Winona Rider.
    Book? Try the Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher.

  79. "You can't handle the truth!" hehe SOmeone else just asked a movie I can't turn off, it's a few good men, so this is the quote in my head.'s been forever since I read a book! I like the Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie series. I have read the first two & hear there are two more out now. Next on my list is The Help & then I want to get into the Hunger Games I think!
    Gorgeous stack of fabric!!

  80. Quote: Why do you wanna marry me anyways? -So I can kiss you anytime I want (Sweet Home Alambama)
    Book: definitely The Help - I finally read it and LOVED it.

  81. My favourite book is The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. As for a quote, the only thing I can think of at the moment are movie songs... Aladdin's A Whole New World is my favourite.

  82. Do or no do, there is no try - Yoda. And for a book, Katharine Graham's Autobiography. She was a remarkable woman.

  83. "WHY IS THERE A TIGER IN THE BATHROOM?" From the Hangover. Funny movie, not quite a favorite, but the kind of movie I love watching when I'm in need of easy laughs. Must read book: Les Miserables. Or Wuthering Heights. Or Bram Stoker's Dracula. Basically, any of the classics. I love it when current TV refers to them, even if I'm the only nerd laughing.

  84. Ok, so I was going to give you this movie quote from a movie one of my immunology students made even before I saw that you were an Organic Chem prof! Perfect! I asked my students to make creative videos explaining a basic concept in immunology - I got some awesome ones.
    Fav quote: "If by 'shoot you' you mean punch holes in your cellular membrane with perforin and then use granzymes to make you commit suicide, then yes!"
    Makes me laugh every time I think of it!
    steeplechaser29 at yahoo dot com
    btw, have you seen this yet:

  85. "We bear our souls and tell the most appalling secrets."

    The Hunger Games, but make sure you have all three before you start and clear your weekend!

  86. Lovely bundle for the giveaway! My fave movie quote is "Tomorrow is another day"
    Book recommendation - Maggie O'Farrell's "The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox"

  87. My quote and must read book go together! "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to Die" from the movie and even better book The Princess Bride.

    Thanks for the giveaway
    Sarah @

  88. a) "PC load letter, what the f*** does that mean?" - Michael Bolton from Office Space
    b) The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls

  89. My favorite line is "Aaaassss yyyyoooouuuu wwwwiiiiisssshhhh..." from The Princess Bride. :)

    And I haven't read a book that contains words with more than 2 syllables in over 3 years, so it's tough to recommend anything! I've heard REALLY good things about Unbroken if you've got any interest in WWII.

  90. "There is no place like home" - Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz
    About the book, I am reading a portuguese one that is really nice: The tree grower (direct translation). It is very small, but very meaningful

  91. "Attitude reflects leadership, captain" from Remember the Titans!
    Must read? I rather enjoy the Harry Potter series. I know it's not some crazy intellectually challenging and deeply insightful book, but I quite love them, so I shall recommend them regardless!

  92. "Go ahead, make my day." Sudden Impact.

    Must read book: Garden Spells, by Sarah Addison Allen. Loved it.

  93. LOVE the beryllium bag! :)

    The following makes me laugh EVERY TIME!
    (From Young Frankenstein):
    Inge: Oooh, werewolf...
    Freddie: Werewolf!?!
    Igor: There wolf. There castle.

    I'm not very good with book recommendations (I primarily read blogs!), but I will recommend anything by John Irving.

  94. It has to be "frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." Must read? well that's tough since everyone likes different things, but I'd say Steve Berry's "The Emperor's Tomb"

  95. "We're going to need a bigger boat" :)

    You should read Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson.

  96. Great giveaway!

    My favorite movie quote is "you look pretty" from Hot Rod. I've never actually seen the whole movie but every time I say that my husband giggles.

    Book recommendation: Wives and Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell

  97. Books - oh boy, there are so many. Love the Outlander and Hunger Games series.

    Movie quotes: "True love lasts a lifetime" - Love Actually, but really anything from that movie would work for me - love it!!

  98. Favorite Movie Quote: "Jeeeeee-hosaphat, Trigger, put that pea-shooter down!" (from Disney's Robin Hood - the animated one).

    Must-read book: Little Women. It's a classic for a reason :)

  99. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way" - Excess Baggage and I suggest reading The Dark Night of the Soul by Gerald May. Thanks for the chance to enter - great giveaway! shelleylynnvogel(at)gmail(dot)com

  100. mmm mmm good (from the ads after Andy griffith shows) must read: Lord of the Rings--I even dream fiction like that now!!

  101. The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. - From Moulin Rouge
    A great book I am rereading is 'The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Thanks for the give away/

  102. From Saturday Night Fever........."Can You Dig It? I knew thatcha could!"

  103. Book to read is definitely Cloudstreet by Tim Winton,

    Movie quote, "May the force be with you" :)

  104. I am so bad with movie quotes. Surprisingly so. But I have several great book suggestions: The Hours, Reading Lolita in Tehran, In the Garden of Beasts or The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle.

  105. "Nobody puts Baby in a corner" I really like the Elm Creek Quilt series. They are fun and light reading with quilting.

  106. I just finished F Scott Fitzgerald's "The beautiful and the damned", one of the free books for the kindle. I don't watch much TV, but I do like Tim Gunn's "Make it work" from Project Runway. Thanks for the giveaway.

  107. Favorite movie quote (and book quote too) - Not all who wander are lost...
    Must read book? Life of Pi

  108. My favorite quote is from Napoleon Dynamite: "I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious." I actually say it a lot in relevant situations. A good book would be The Secret Life of Bees or Water for Elephants or The Help (of course).

  109. "It's the holidays and we are in misery" - Ellen Griswold (Christmas Vacation)

    Book: "Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius" By Lillard

  110. Favorite all time book is Peace Like a River. Just lovely prose. Favorite movie quote, "That's not my dog." (Monty Python)

    Happy Christmas. Can't wait to see if I win!!

  111. Cinda-f'n-rella! from Pretty woman! It just cracks me up for some reason! I recommend anything from Nora Roberts, she is a good read.

  112. Bring It On from the movie of the same name
    Blink by Malcolm Gladwell

  113. Must-read book: The Help by Kathryn Stockett
    Favorite Quote: "Obviously your not a golfer" Big Lebowski

  114. quote..i just watched wonder boys last night for the 100th time and this is the first thing that comes to mind
    -"Now, that is a big trunk. It holds a tuba, a suitcase, a dead dog, and a garment bag almost perfectly."
    -"That's just what they used to say in the ads."

    as far as books- im not never good at recommending them :)

  115. The Hunger Games are a must read in my books. And my favorite quote, "A single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife!"

  116. Always nice to meet another chemistry teacher! (I miss chemistry and calculus - but my grade 8's are nice anyway)

    For a quote - 'My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!"

    Book - Calculating God, (or anything by Robert Sawyer, really)

  117. "Insanity runs in my family. It practically gallops." Arsenic and Old Lace

    My must read book for the year is the Holy Bible. :)
    brooke at richardchurch dot com

  118. "beee yourself" from Aladdin.

    Must read book: Harry Potter or the Percy Jackson series

  119. "is there sugar in it? Then YES!" From Elf but quoted year round by me. :)
    hmm... lots of great books. How about this, one book I never expected to like because it's young adult, but absolutely loved was the Hunger Games series.

  120. "That's way harsh, Ty" from Clueless! My favorite books of the moment are the Women's Murder Club by James Patterson. Thanks for the chance to win!

  121. 'Inconcievable" The princess bride

    Must read : Angry Housewives eating Bon Bons and Heaven is real

  122. I have a mole??? from Robin Hood, Men in Tights. (In every scene, the mole is in a different place on his face.)

    I loved the Harry Potter series!

  123. Favorite quote! Wow! So many!!! I guess for now it would have to be "Calmer than you are" from The Big Lebowski. Have you read The Book Theif? It was hard to read but amazing.

  124. My fave movie quote is "You're killin' me smalls!"

    If you like fantasy fiction at all, I suggest the Drakon series by Shana Abe.


  125. Grandpa: She doesn't get eaten by the eels at this time
    The Grandson: What?
    Grandpa: The eel doesn't get her. I'm explaining to you because you look nervous.
    The Grandson: I wasn't nervous. Maybe I was a little bit "concerned" but that's not the same thing.

    Princess Bride - book & movie!

  126. Wow I love what you've made! What lovely items :)

    I don't watch many movies, so don't have a favorite movie quote, but my favorite quote of the moment is "I shall call him Squishy. And he shall be mine. And he shall be MY Squishy" from Finding Nemo. XD

    My favorite book is A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving. It's an amazing book. 1984 by Orwell is also fantastic.


  127. "They mostly come out at night... mostly" from Aliens (possibly most annoying quote ever? but still one of my faves :) )

    LOVE the Be bag (from a science geek - so of course I think its cool!)

    Must read? Isobelle Carmody's Obernewtyn series (which she has finally finished 20 years later - I started reading them when I was 12!!!!)

  128. I'm no good a remembering movie quotes! I'll pick a cheezy one "You had me at Hello" from Jerry Maguire. Even though I loved that movie I no longer love the actors...

    Best book I've read this year "Unbroken" by Laura Hillenbrand. Amazing WW2 story. Amazing.

  129. "I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog too!" from Wizard of Oz
    Good book along the same line is "Wicked".

  130. "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." (The Princess Bride) "The Diamond Age" by Neal Stephenson. Merry Christmas!

  131. Book:Harry Potter Series. All the way.
    Movie Quote: "Have I gone Mad?" "I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are."-Alice in Wonderland.

  132. Crocodile Dundee "you think that's a knife? This is a knife!"

    Right now I'm reading Dana Stabenow and J A Jance. Both good reads. Thanks.

  133. Definitely read "The Help" - such a good book!

    For a movie quote...hmm, "I could have danced all night..." from My Fair Lady - I'm a sucker for musicals!

  134. I love the "Sunday Philosophy Club" series by Alexander McCall Smith. Lovely fabrics you are giving away. Thanks so much!

  135. Favorite movie quote: "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming." from Finding Nemo. Favorite book: The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell
    Awesome giveaway!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  136. Movie quote : "Tell me you love me now." "I love you now, I love you always" - Meet Joe Black

    Book : The historian.

  137. Must read book... The Help. Favorite movie quote... No, one gets into see the wizard...

  138. Movie Quote from Airplane:
    Striker: "Surely you can't be serious." Rumack: "I am serious...and don't call me Shirley."

    Book: The Help or The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Both great books!

    Love that you teach O.Chem - that was one amazing class!

  139. You are generous indeed! I love your projects and your Butler :).
    A) "I Carried a Watermelon?!" from Dirty Dancing, when Baby can't believe that's what she said to hunky Swayze at the staff after party. Makes me laugh every time!
    B) What is the What by Dave Eggars - seriously, add this one to your list fast! It's awesome!

  140. "I'm a mog: half man, half dog. I'm my own best friend" -- Barf, in "Spaceballs."

    Someone mentioned "Unbroken," which is an awesome book. But I will recommend "The Shadow of the Wind" by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.

  141. I my favourite comment is "no one puts baby in the corner" from Dirty Dancing.
    A must read book is The Host by Stephanie Myers this book was fantastic.
    Thanks so much for the chance to win this lovely give away

  142. "Hope is a good thing. Maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies." from Shawshank Redemption.

  143. From the movie Oh Brother, Where Art Thou -- "We thought you was a toad!" Hilarious movie. As for books, I'm a nerd and read mostly non-fiction but if you want good non-fiction I recommend "Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell.

  144. a) "I'll have what she's having." --When Harry Met Sally
    b) "A Fine Balance"

  145. I'm sure it's been suggested, but The Help was a great read.

  146. Book: The Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich - I love those books!

    Movie quote: From the epic Monty Python and the Holy Grail - "I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries." The movie is hilarious!

  147. 1. Believe in yourself even when no one else does.-Secretariat
    2. Unbroken or The Help

    Thanks and nice to find you! I am enjoying meeting new bloggers!

  148. Favorite movie quote: From the new Muppet movie "This is going to be a short movie!"

    Must read book : A Walk in the Woods by BIll Bryson. It will make you laugh out loud

  149. Must read book - Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin. it's a series, amazing!

    Quote:I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of anything than of a book!
    Pride and Prejudice

  150. I'm not great for remembering lines from movies, but now that I see MG's line from When Harry Met Sally on the comment above, I really like that one!!
    Everyone is raving about "The Help" and I have it on my coffee table to read, just have to get to it.
    The Amy Butler fabric is gorgeous.

  151. My favorite movie quote, hmm. "For though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil. For the author of all things watches over me. And I have a fine horse." Not my favorite, necessarily, but a good one.

    As for a book you should read, please read Eating Animals. It will open your eyes to the industrialization of farming in America and what that means for consumers, both in terms of health and, more importantly, in terms of karma.

  152. Movie quote? Are you kidding? My mind goes blank. Its not like I don't watch movies. Ok, how about this, "Frying pan, huh? Who knew?" from Tangled. My kids have been saying that one. I hope I win, cause I sat here long enough trying to come up with something! A book I like is "Little Britches" by Ralph Moody. Or Nothing Too Good for a Cowboy series.
    aliben7 (at) gmail (dot) com

  153. A) As You Wish (Princess Bride)
    B) The HUnger Games series

  154. Lovely projects. Glad I'm not having to take chemistry any more. Favorite Quote "Elementary my dear Watson". Silent Snow is a good book to read.

  155. Hasta la vista, Baby! (Terminator)

    book? As a quilter, I would say: The elm creek quilts books by Jennifer Cavellari


  156. "The best way to spread Christmas cheer, is to sing out loud for all to hear." - Elf... plus many other lines from that movie. It makes me laugh every year. Book... hmm...I am reading "Lord of the Rings" to my boys right now. Love it so much. Thanks for the giveaway!

  157. favourite movie quote from Wizard of Oz - I don't think we are in Kansas anymore
    favourite book rec: Anne of Green Gables

  158. Thanks for the giveaway!

    Movie quote: "Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving" - Auntie Mame (the Rosalind Russell version, not the horrendous Lucille Ball one!)

    Book - "Swallows & Amazons" by Arthur Ransome. A lovely "youth" book that is read all over the world by adults, too. First in a series of about 10 books, written in the 1930s. If you like camping or sailing or imagining great adventures, you'll love these books!

  159. Modern Family - I don't loves pink, pink loves me.
    I loves Twilight series.
    Thx for the chance to win ^^v

  160. Movie Quote: Til you or your sister Jane return, I shall not hear two words of sense spoken together. (Mr. Bennett in Pride and Prejudice).
    Must-Read: Jan Karon's Mitford series, starting with "At Home in Mitford". Jan Karon is one of the only authors who makes me laugh out loud, while reading to myself ...

  161. I don't really watch movies much, so I'll have to go with something from a kid's show - "Hakuna Mattatah." My apologies. My must-read book is the Bible. And not to be contrary or anything, but 10 fat quarters = 2 1/2 yards :P

  162. Favorite movie quote: "Sister Lila's a** is dragging." (when you are so tired you can hardly move a muscle.)

    Book recommendation (just one????) Matterhorn, The Family Fang, Nightwoods....too many to mention.

  163. "Mawwage." --The Princess Bride
    Night by Elie Wiesel

  164. Always love "Bueller? Bueller?..." (showing my age perhaps)

    Must read "Still Alice" You just must.

  165. You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!

    The Kite Runner

  166. Frrankly My dear i don't give and Damn and Gone With The Wind

  167. My favorite movie quote: "They come in pints?" from Pippin in Lord of the Rings (also an inside joke between my husband and I!)

    I would recommend reading anything by Neil Gaiman or Terry Pratchett.

  168. Book: Pride and Prejudice
    Quote: Mr. Knightley (Jeremy Northam playing)"I rode through the rain! I'd - I'd ride through worse than that if I could just hear your voice telling me that I might, at least, have some chance to win you". (Emma, 1995)

  169. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
    The Tipping Point

  170. Quote: Rhum is gone?
    Good read: Purge by Sofi Oksanen

  171. a) it occurs to me I don't have a favourite movie quote - must fix that. Instead I will run with Dr Seuss "I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some from behind. But I have bought a big bat, I'm ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me.
    b) Just finished reading "The Price of Life" by Nigel Brennan, Nicole Bonney and Kelly Brennan. I am not normally one for true stories but this one was fantastic. Gripping, heart breaking, uplifting and beautifully written.

  172. You have been a busy little crafting bee haven't you - impressive. My favourite novel is Cloudstreet by Tim Winton, an Australian author. He's my favourite author & I think Cloudstreet is his best. Thanks for a great giveaway. Terrific blog name BTW.

  173. As Dorothy would say "There's no place like home." and Book would be 5 people you'll meet in heaven.

  174. I really enjoyed the Birth House by Ami Mckay

  175. Oh, Persuasion! My favourite Jane Austen novel. Although I am sure you may have read it.
    Movies: The Rocky Horror Picture Show- "I see you shiver in antici...pation." I LOVE that movie!
    (Yes, I see, my taste in books and film seem to be worlds apart... Hmmm...)
    Love the fabric and fun entry. Thanks!

  176. "Hallo. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." The Princess Bride. Book and movie. Best ever!

  177. "I carried a watermelon". Classic!

    For the book, I'd suggest The 19th Wife, it really is stellar.

  178. I don't really have a fave movie quote.
    Recommended reads are The Help by Kathryn Stockett and The Hunger Games trilogy. Both quite thought-provoking.

  179. My favourite movie quote is "Why a spoon Cousin? Cuz it will hurt more!" - Sherrif of Nottingham (Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves)

    My book recommendation would by any of the Katie McAllister books (if you like vampires, dragons, etc and funny romances!)

  180. What a generous giveaway, thank you for the opportunity. Looks like you've got some pretty awesome projects done, too!

    Quote: "You'll become one of those hunchbacked, lonely old men, sitting in the corner of a crowded cafe, mumbling to yourself, 'My ass is twitching. You people make my ass twitch.'" - French Kiss

    Book: Dark Tower series by Stephen King

  181. Movie quote: love, actually, is all around. From Love, Actually.

    Book: I just read and loved What the Dog Saw.

  182. I love the Princess Bride! So many quotes (I particularly like "never start a land war in Asia")

    I just read V is for Victorious (I think) - the latest Sue Grafton - and I very much enjoyed it.

    Good luck with those exams! I hope they show you they were listening some during the year!

  183. "Much to learn, you still have."
    ―Yoda to Dooku

    As for the book, it has been a while since I have read anything other than school related books.

  184. Nobody puts Baby in a corner - Dirty Dancing

    I really enjoy the No. 1 Woman's Detective Agencies Books. Thanks for the giveaway.

  185. What a great giveaway Lynne!! I can't think of a movie quilt at the moment (way to put me on the spot) but I recommend reading The Secret Life of Bees and The Help. I still need to read the second (Have heard from a lot of people it's good), but the first was great. I hope my bad luck streak has ended, I would love to win!

  186. movie quote : 'he caught the train' from eraser

    book: 'instruments of night' by Thomas Cook


  187. "Your mother will never see you again if you don't, and I will never see you again if you do." - Pride & Prejudice
    "The Oath" by Frank Peretti is one of my faves!

  188. The Help is a GREAT book...if you haven't read it, you should! And a movie quote - "You just keep thinkin' Butch. That's what you're good at." From Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Love Paul Newman! Thanks for the chance - great giveaway!

  189. I have many many fave movie quotes, but how about : "It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care", from Office Space :)

    Book: I just finished The Girl in the Green Raincoat by Laura Lippman. Quick read, and great!

  190. oh, I'm terrible with quotes. My husband has been quoting Seinfeld for years. Every time I laugh and say.... what is that from?
    book-1000 Gifts

  191. does "whoa" from any assortment of Keanu Reeves movies count? :-)

    i highly recommend tina fey's book Bossypants. hilarious.

  192. I seem to quote Office Space quite often. One of my favorite lines is "Stapler, stapler, who took MY stapler?" Cracks me up because people are so possessive of their office supplies.

    Must read book from 2011? For me it was Still Alice.

    Be kind to those organic kids. I used to be one, and I passed by the skin of my teeth!

  193. you must read Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood!! it's fabulous. and when you're done that, read The Year of the Flood, same author... same story, but told from a totally different perspective, amazing!! gooberific @

  194. I don't know quotes, sorry for that :(
    For a book I recommend "Never look back" from Lesley Pearse.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  195. "Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges" from Treasure of the Sierra Madre.

    The Harry Potter series is really good.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  196. 'They went out with their boots on'
    Second hand that movie!

    I'm really enjoying a very interesting book about WWII... Breaking the Code by Karen Fisher-Alaniz

  197. Okay, movie quote must be "Slippery little suckers..." from Pretty Woman... hilarious!

    And if you are into sci-fi, you should read anything by Robert Heinlein. Time enough for love is my favourite, but mostly all of them are fantastic...

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  198. I see there are a few other Princess Bride quotes, but I wanted to also add "I'm not a witch, I'm your wife!" and I loved Billy Crystals character in that movie!!
    As for a book? I tend to read light hearted chick lit stuff, like Meg Cabot. Nothing really "must read", but I like those kind of books.
