
Saturday, December 17, 2011


Thanks to everyone who played along with my Sew Mama Sew Giveaway post.  I'm sorry that I have been unable to respond to every message (I never anticipated 456 of them!), but I so enjoyed reading your comments, and will likely still respond to many of you soon.  So many great quotes and books to consider!  And so many new friends with common likes and interests!  I hope to post a synopsis of some of the highlights soon.  

In the meantime, congratulations to Kasey, visitor #84, who left me this message:

She blogs over at Stitch. Bake. Run.  Air Force wife/mother of two/runner/baker/quilter.  And NOW, the proud new owner of 4-1/2 yards of beautiful Amy Butler fabric!  I plan to check out her website soon, and can't wait to see what she makes with her new stack of goodies.

In the meantime, thank you again to all of my visitors, new and established alike (see how I didn't call you "old?").  Special thanks to the new followers out there.  This really has been a fun week for me, and has reinforced for me yet again how lucky I am to belong to such a fantastically talented, funny, and generous community of artists worldwide.  I will do my best to post more frequently in the hopes of getting to know you all better, and keeping myself inspired by your amazing work.  Fledgling though my efforts may be, writing this blog really does brighten my days (to quote Ms. Kasey):

"... even if I'm the only nerd laughing."  

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