
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Ready for (semi-)redwork / "Cheer up sleepy Jean(s)"

The St. Louis Modern Quilt Guild is having a pouch swap at our meeting next week, and I've got some (hopefully) modern (semi-)redwork in the wings for my secret swap partner.  I can't show you the stitchery itself, as that would definitely give it away, but here are some of the fabrics I'm auditioning from my stash:

The plan at the moment is kind of a hodge-podge of techniques:  embroidery, patchwork, six-minute circle, reverse and raw-edged applique.  Will probably toss in some linen, and maybe a Dresden plate for good measure.  Sounds a little manic, I know, but this weekend is the first time I've set foot in my sewing room in nearly three months, and I have a lot of catching up to do. 

Here's what I have on the design board as the patchwork comes together.  I'm hoping the design of the bag and the sprinkling of modern fabrics will help swing the feel toward the less-traditional side: 

The squares will finish at an inch apiece, which means my 144 teeny-tiny pieces will finish at about 12 inches square.  This would be fine, I guess, if I didn't have plans to carve out the middle of this thing for reverse applique.  Because I may want to save the center portion for later, I couldn't bring myself to insert a square of muslin here to simplify things, so a-stitching I will go.  Borderline crazy, I know, but it took me nearly the full month to decide what to make for this special lady.  Now that an idea has finally settled into my brain, there's no going back at this point.

In other news, I've enjoyed a little retail therapy the past few weeks.  I may not have time to sew, but I find that petting fabric takes no time at all.  :) 

A little (or 12 yards of) pezzy print:

And a few stacks of (mostly) solids:

Some of these will be featured in a wall hanging I have planned for my other secret partner from the "For the Love of Solids" (FTLOS) swap currently underway on Flickr.  The ship date for international partners runs from now through Saturday, which means I have the potential to miss deadlines on two continents this week, I guess.   :)

Finally, if you get a minute today, pop on over to the Modern Quilt Guild's website.  They've  been busy posting their super-great 100 Days series since the first of the year.  TONS of amazing quilts and tutorials to enjoy.  This past week's series was called "Using what you have," and somewhere amongst all of the colorful scraps and vintage sheets is a quilt made of-- wait for it-- denim.  So, many thanks to the MQG for the kind shout-out this weekend.  It's pretty nice to be included in such amazing company.

P.S.  I grew up in the '70s, and a huge part of my childhood was spent laughing and singing along with a fun-loving group of guys who just-so-happened to give birth to the music video:  The Monkees, whose lead singer, Davy Jones, passed away this week at the age of sixty-six.  Although I was particularly smitten with Michael Nesmith (the quiet, broody one in the knit stocking cap), I could always rely on Davy and the gang for an honest-to-goodness belly laugh without politics or agenda, which made the days seem brighter to me, and life in general, just a little less serious.  I like to think that it's appropriate that a denim quilt was featured this week.  Not just in tribute to Davy and his bellbottom trousers, but also as a reminder that just as fabric can be rejuvenated with a little extra effort, maybe life really can be a bit brighter if we'd just take the time to make it that way.  As much as I grumbled about trying to make a denim quilt, the truth is, once I threw myself into the project, I couldn't help but feel good about the change I could see taking shape.  Have to wonder how much brighter life might seem if I put that much love and effort into everything I do.  Next time I hear "Daydream Believer," think I'll sing "Cheer up sleepy jean(s)," instead. 

Thanks, Davy.  For everything.


  1. You never stop amazing me Lynne! So glad to hear that you are back in your sewing room and taking full advantage of it.

    Looking forward to catching up this coming weekend!

  2. I was a Mickey Dolenz girl, but feel the same way about The Monkees and Davy. Love the sleep jeans bit!

    Can't wait to see your redwork pouch!

  3. Wow. Your pouch plan sounds ambitious!!! I'm sure it will be fabulous!
